Gray's Home Solutions RE Training


Welcome to Gray's Home Solutions training page. My name is Darren Gray and I have created this page to help one's that want to get involved in real estate risk free, and make a difference in their lives RISK FREE! So what can you expect to get from these training packages you ask?? A proven step by step battle plan to assure your success investing in real estate. You will not be sold videos, dvd's to watch or books to read. You will be supplied with all the contracts, paperwork, and knowledge you need to make a difference in your life. I have developed a system that has solutions for every type of home seller no matter what. These packages include everything you will need from where to find deals, what to say when a seller calls, what paperwork to fill out, how to market the property, and last but not least how to get paid. I don't know of any other business or scenario where you can gain so much financially without risking a penny.

I have these packages in order for you and urge you to start with the wholesale package. It's the easiest and fastest way for you to get paid. Once you have some reps under your belt and see that this stuff works you can come back and order the rent to own package. Can you imagine having tenants in homes paying you each month.. and you don't even own the home?? Pretty unbelievable to think huh? The final package is the Subject to package. This is designed to help sellers who may have no equity in their home or may be behind on payments. Sound crazy?? You'll soon discover just how crazy it really is and how you can keep these homes for yourself or flip these to buyers in a flash.

Each package will include a video where I will walk you through the entire process. We will fill the paperwork out together and you won't be left with questions at the end.  But just in case you do, my staff and I are here to help with that also. You won't have to wait days to get the answers you need. I want you to succeed and will be with you until you do! If you're ready to start rocking, order the wholesale package, listen to what I have to say, and let's get you headed down the road to financial freedom!

See ya on the inside!

Darren Gray
R.E Mentor

Wholesale Package


Rent To Own Package


Subject To Package
