Author Archives: admin

What’s the First Step of Buying a Home in Maryland?

Home ownership is one of the best, most reliable ways to build wealth. But for first time buyers, the process of buying a home can seem pretty intimidating. There’s no way to sugarcoat it, buying a home in Maryland is no walk in the park. But if you go into the process armed having done your homework, you can definitely make it easier on yourself.

That’s why over the next few weeks we’re going to talk about the process of buying a home, from start to finish. Our blog will serve as a general overview, but remember you can always come to us with any questions you have!

This week, we’re going to cover the first step of buying a new home, which is taking a look at the financial requirements of buying a home.


How much home can you afford?

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4 Ways to Stop Foreclosure in Hagerstown at the Last Minute

So your foreclosure date is fast approaching and you need to take action now. Are there any options available to you? Yes. While there aren’t as many as there would be if your foreclosure date were a few months away, even with short time there are still a few things you can do to stop foreclosure in Hagerstown. Learn more in our blog.


Here are 4 options for stopping foreclosure at the last minute.

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After a Foreclosure: Second Mortgages and Liens

If you have a second mortgage or a judgment lien on your home and you’re facing foreclosure, you may be wondering what would happen to them if the foreclosure were to go through. You may have heard that the only the first mortgage matters, but the truth is that even though second mortgage and lien holders lose their security interest in the property, they can still come after you for the debt if they don’t receive it at the foreclosure. Learn more about what happens with second mortgages and liens in our blog.


What happens to second mortgages and liens after a foreclosure?

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Should You Consider a Deed In Lieu of Foreclosure?

A deed in lieu of foreclosure is a method that some people use to avoid foreclosure. Though it can be used successfully and has its advantages, there are also a number of drawbacks that you’ll want to take into account before you move forward with a deed in lieu. In this week’s blog, we’ll talk about what exactly a deed in lieu is, and the pros and cons of using this strategy to stop foreclosure.


Should you consider a deed in lieu of foreclosure?

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4 Ways to Avoid Foreclosure in Frederick

Are you facing foreclosure in Frederick? You’re probably wondering what options are available to you that could help you get out of this situation. The more time you have, the more options you have available to you. But even when there’s very little time left, there are still solutions available. Grays Home Solutions is one of them. But first, let’s talk about all of the options you have when facing foreclosure in Frederick.


Grays Home Solutions can help you stop foreclosure in Frederick.

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Grays Home Solutions: What Do We Do?

If you’ve heard our name and are wondering exactly what it is we do, then this blog is for you. Plain and simple, we help people who can’t find the real estate solutions they need using traditional real estate outlets. Learn more about how our process works, and what makes us different from other companies, in our blog.


We’re Grays Home Solutions, and we’re here to help you!

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How Can I Stop Foreclosure and Sell My Hagerstown Home Now?

Are you facing a foreclosure date that’s coming up fast? Wondering how you can stop foreclosure and sell your Hagerstown home now? Depending on how close the final date is, you may have few options. Things like short sales and bankruptcy can take months. Bankruptcy in particular might only give you a few extra months to work with, and not give you the solution you need. Refinancing may work, but many people who are facing foreclosure have already refinanced one or more times, and have 2 or 3 mortgages on their home.

Ok, so let’s say you’ve tried other options that haven’t worked, or your foreclosure date is too close for any of the options you’ve read about so far to work. What can you do?

There is a solution that will allow you to sell your Hagerstown home now and stop foreclosure now. And when we say now, we mean it. Learn more below.


How can you sell your Hagerstown home now?

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Sell Your Martinsburg Home ASAP

Are you behind in your mortgage payments and facing foreclosure? Is your foreclosure date coming up soon? Do you need to sell your Martinsburg home as soon as possible? One thing’s for sure, a traditional realtor isn’t going to be able to help you in this situation. And trying to sell your home on your own as a for sale by owner is complicated enough, not to mention when you’re trying to avoid a foreclosure.

So are there any options left? It depends on how much time you have. If you have a few months before your foreclosure date, options such as a short sale, bankruptcy, or loan may still be available to you. But if we’re talking a few weeks, then your options are limited. Fortunately, there is still an option available to you that can help you sell your Martinsburg home fast and stop foreclosure. Keep on reading to learn more.


Sell your Martinsburg home ASAP with us!

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Stop Foreclosure and Sell Your Frederick Home This Week

While the housing crisis is over, Marylanders are still dealing with the fallout even today in 2015. The state continues to have one of the highest rates of foreclosure in the country, largely due to a backlog in foreclosures that has been making its way through the courts over the past few years.

If you’re facing foreclosure on your Frederick home, you know that you need to find a solution that works for you. The more time you have until your foreclosure date, the more options are available to you. You can see our blogs on bankruptcy, short sales, and loans to learn more. But if that date is just around the corner, you may find yourself wondering if there’s anything you can do to put a stop to it.


We can help you sell your Frederick home this week!

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Sell Your Hagerstown Home in Just 7 Days

Maryland remains in the top 5 among states with the highest foreclosure rates in the nation. As a result, there are a number of Maryland homeowners who are still looking for a way to stop foreclosure. As the final date gets closer, options become more limited. Read our blogs on bankruptcy, loans, short sales, and deficiency judgments to learn more.

But, there is a solution out there that you may not have known about. Did you know that you can sell your Hagerstown home in just 7 days? And that you may be able to walk away from your home with cash in hand? And that you don’t have to do any repairs on your home, or put out any for sale signs?

Sound too good to be true? It’s not. We’ve helped Marylanders in the exact same situation as you, facing foreclosure and coming down to the wire, wondering what else can be done. We’re Grays Home Solutions and we’re a home buyer in Maryland, and throughout the Tri-state area. We can buy your Hagerstown home in just 7 days. Learn how to do it below.


Sell your Hagerstown home now!

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